VMware Explore 2024 Barcelona After Hours

VMware Explore will be held in Barcelona on the 4th-7th November 2024 and as always there are some out-of-conference events planned during the week for attendees. These are always a great chance to chat with fellow members of the community outside of the breakout sessions and workshops, and the social events usually provide some drink and nibbles to keep you going. Being the buzzing metropolis that it is, Barcelona is a city full of things to do whilst you’re there.

Official Conference Events

There’s three events held within the Conference Centre that are included in your conference pass- the “Welcome Reception” and “Expo Bash” on Monday and Wednesday at 5pm respectively are usually held in the Solutions Exchange and give attendees the opportunity to talk shop with their fellow delegates and the vendors present. There’s also “The Party” on Wednesday night, these events are always worth a look as there’s loads to eat, drink, and see. Have a look at vmware.com/explore for timings on these three. Also during the week, but with timings not yet announced is the annual Hackathon where teams of attendees can pit their skills at problem solving or creating new tools.

Hackathon at VMworld 2017

Off-site Events

There’s also a number of events held just for VMworld Explore attendees outside of the conference area, the vRockstar evening or morning vBreakfast are worth a look. You’ll also find a number of vendors hosting evening events- Rubrik have something planned for the Sunday evening down by the beach, and remember to chat with the vendors in the Solutions Exchange during the week of Explore to find out any more opportunities. Check out Manfred Hofer’s page on vbrain.info where he keeps a good list of these with timings and locations.

vRockstar at VMworld 2015


Barcelona is, of course, famous for it’s football team and it looks like they will be playing a La Liga game at home on either the Saturday or Sunday before the conference. The exact date and time isn’t announced at time of writing but check fcbarcelona.com for tickets if you’re likely to be in the city by then.

If Orienteering is more your sport and you fancy exploring the city on foot as fast as possible without getting lost, then you might want to enter the City Race Euro Tour which is visiting the city on that weekend before the conference. Details at ticbcn2024.

Beer and Tapas

All this partying and sports can get a little too much and at that point there’s nothing nicer than kicking back with a local cerveza and some tapas, chatting with friends old and new about what they’ve learnt at the conference that day. There’s a wealth of bars and restaurants to choose from across Barcelona, and for a local beer I can recommend Garage Beer and Abirradero.

Register for the conference

Of course, the Explore conference itself is the main show, all these activities just make your week even better! Don’t forget to register for Explore at vmware.com