Devs4Ops Resources
This post contains resources to accompany my Devs4Ops talk from the January 2018 London VMUG. It’s a list of links to things I mentioned (or intended to mention but forgot to) in the presentation.
This content is also relevant to my (compressed version) talk “Dev 4 the Ops Team” from VMworld Europe 2018.
- Slidedeck from presentation (PDF)
- “Finished” Code from presentation
- PowerShell Gallery- Find Modules to extend PowerShell (including the VMware PowerCLI module).
- Places to Share and Borrow Script Ideas ** Github ** VMware Code ** Slack Overflow
- UKVMUG Usercon 2017, when Ricky El-Qasem asked if anyone was a dev and I half-raised my hand. Video
- XKCD Comic- How long can you work on automating something and save time? Link
- Super Mario Brothers – Not strictly relevant but this video from the Extra Credits team gives an excellent insight into how players learn the actions in Mario. Ties into the fundamentals I discussed, but also a great look at UI design.
- Making a Cup of Tea: The Twinings guide on making tea perfectly.)
- Shutting down a VM with PowerCLI
- Using Tags with PowerCLI
- VMware KB article- upgrading VM hardware
- Upgrading VM Hardware using PowerCLI-
- Automating Everything VMware with PowerCLI- [VMworld 2015 video and slides.]](
Examples of Coding in Action
- Example 1: [Find Windows 2008 VMs before EOL]](/find-windows-2008-vms/)
- Example 2: [Automating Intel Sighting remediation using PowerCLI]](
- Example 3: [Search VMTN with REST API]](