Active Microsoft Certifications Expired in Credly
If, like me, you were looking at your Credly badge collection and spotted that your Microsoft role-based certifications were showing as expired, there’s two
possible reasons.
I had a momentary panic on seeing the “Expired” label in Credly so logged into my Certification dashboard and confirmed I had indeed sat and passed the test to renew
the certification this year. So why is it showing as Expired? Well, this is the second reason.
You may have missed it, but back in June 2023 Microsoft ended their partnership with Credly. This means new certifications will not receive badges, but also existing badges will expire and not have the renewal date updated even if you take and pass the Microsoft renewal assessment. Microsoft still allow you to share your certifications through your Microsoft Learn profile, allowing potential employers to verify your credentials, but unfortunately that cross-vendor page of badges from Credly will no longer show your latest Microsoft achievements.
If your LinkedIn profile is referencing these badges in Credly, you should update those links to point at the appropriate Microsoft Learn location. You may also want to make the badge private in your Credly profile so it doesn’t list as expired cert in the public view.
Microsoft Community Support summed it up as follows:
Here’s what this means to the candidates:
- From [June 2023], Credly will no longer issue badges for Microsoft Certifications.
- All your badges will be on your Microsoft Learn profile, ready for sharing and verification, and will be updated with pertinent information, such as expiration and renewal dates.
- If you don’t have a Credly profile, you can verify and share your certifications on your Microsoft Learn profile.
- If you do have a Credly profile, Microsoft Certifications that you earned and claimed before June 2023 will be there through June 2024, but will no longer be updated with changes to expiration or renewal dates.
- If you’ve shared your certifications through Credly on other platforms, such as LinkedIn, we encourage you to share them again from your Microsoft Learn profile to help ensure continued verification services, since Credly will no longer verify or receive any information on Microsoft Certifications after the end of June 2023. Your Microsoft Certifications on Credly will no longer be kept current or updated as you pass renewal exams or earn new Microsoft Certifications. The only exception is Microsoft Certifications issued by Certiport which will still be managed and updated on Credly indefinitely.