Using New-AzureFirewallRule with multiple ports or IP ranges

When creating an Azure Firewall rule with multiple ports or IP ranges using the PowerShell New-AzureFirewallRule cmdlet, you may get an error like this:

1Invalid IP address value or range or Service Tag,
2StatusCode: 400
3ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
4ErrorCode: AzureFirewallRuleInvalidIpAddressOrRangeFormat


1Invalid port value or range. User ports must be in [1, 65535]
2StatusCode: 400
3ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
4ErrorCode: AzureFirewallRuleInvalidPortOrRangeFormat

The incorrect code causing these messages refers to the Source Address or Destination Port as a comma-delimited string as you would use in the Azure Portal, as shown here:

1#Incorrect Code
2$netRule = New-AzFirewallNetworkRule `
3-Name "FirewallRule1" -Description "Rule for HTTP,SMB traffic" `
4-Protocol "TCP" `
5-SourceAddress "," `
6-DestinationAddress "" `
7-DestinationPort "139,445,80"

However, the cmdlet wants an array of strings to be passed here rather than a comma-delimited string value, so ("","") rather than ",". The correct version of the above code snippet is as follows:

1#Corrected Code
2$netRule = New-AzFirewallNetworkRule `
3-Name "FirewallRule1" -Description "Rule for HTTP,SMB traffic " `
4-Protocol "TCP" `
5-SourceAddress ("","") `
6-DestinationAddress "" `
7-DestinationPort ("139","445","80")