Checking Hybrid Benefits in Azure with PowerShell

When using Windows-based Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure, there’s an option to use Azure Hybrid Benefit to re-use existing Windows licenses you own on-premises for workloads now running in the public cloud.

If you don’t select this option then your Azure bill will include the cost of a new Windows license for that virtual machine, so it’s important to ensure it is used where you are entitled to do so. If you have a site license, or campus agreement, you may find that you are allowed Hybrid Benefit on all your workloads in Azure.

This PowerShell snippet will list all the Windows Virtual machines (in the current subscription- use Set-AzContext to change that) which are not making use of the Hybrid Benefits- giving you a quick list of VMs to check the settings on.

1Get-AzVM | Where-Object {$_.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration -and !($_.LicenseType)}