
I’m Chris Bradshaw, an IT Professional with over twenty five years employment in the industry and experience covering a wide range of technology. My focus is in the infrastructure space, primarily with Azure in the public cloud and VMware vSphere On-Premises. Outside of the office you might catch me either attending or presenting at related tech events.

You can get in touch with me via Twitter/ X @aldershotchris or send an email to chris (at) isjw (dot) uk

In amongst some (hopefully) funny and intuitive comments this site aims to offer some useful IT knowledge which you are welcome to use. The information in here worked for me, but may not work for you so please bear this in mind if you are planning on following this advice. I cannot accept responsibility for any lost data, damaged computers, missing cats or any other unforeseen incidents caused by following in my footsteps. If I jumped off a cliff you’d at least backup and think about it before jumping after me, and computing advice should be taken in the same way.

Similarly, any recommendations of products or services I mention herein should be considered my personal opinion. Please think carefully before spending money (or not spending money) based on what you read here and check any specifications out with the vendor concerned (hey, you might even be able to blag a product related T-shirt from them for doing so). If you do discover any inaccuracies please let me know via email or twitter DM and I’ll endeavour to correct them as soon as possible. Please also shout if you get a particularly nice vendor T-shirt.

This is my personal site and any views expressed are mine and not my employer’s, except if my employer agrees with said views- in which case it’s up to them to say so. Anything else that I haven’t included in this disclaimer should be considered disclaimed, or whatever the legal term for “it’s not my fault” actually is.

All the information and tools here are offered free of charge, but if you’d like to support the site directly you can do so through BuyMeACoffee.com. Any donations help me keep the site and tools online, learn new stuff, and build new content and tools for the community.

Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

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